Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Weekly Update 1/3/18 #1

Over Winter break, lots of  people went places and some stayed here and experienced a white Christmas. Mostly, people stayed in the US or Canada. But one person went to Australia. That was the furthest anyone in this class had gone. Some of the other places people went were California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Canada. Also, we have a field trip to the Living Computer Museum. We need permission slips by Friday. We are going Friday the 19th.

We have not really done anything in Math since before break. But we got our Math tests back and test corrections are due Friday. We had Library yesterday so we did not have time. Yesterday we started a new unit which is F.L.A.S.H. We talked about expectations and we looked at a case study.

Here is a website that has more information about the FLASH curriculum.

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