Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Weekly Update 1/24/18 #2

MONDAY (1-22-18)
On monday in LA first we did a mindfullness video and then Mr. Brown talked about our short storys and how they should be typed,
the font and the title page. Then we had workday for the rest of the day.

On Tuesday in LA we had a writing celebration. We built two blanket forts one in each class and then we got to read each others short storys. After we had rainy day recess so lots of people played tag and hide and seek in the fort. Soon we cleaned up then it was time to go home.

Monday: On Monday this week we did a daily math worksheet. You only had to complete two problems on the sheet. We didn’t do science today.

Tuesday: We didn’t do Math today, because we needed to catch up on F.L.A.S.H. then, we worked on building
blanket forts and spent the rest of the day doing LA today.

Wednesday: On Wednesday this week we will do review of the unit. This will prepare us for our test on Thursday.

Thursday: The test is today!                                 

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