Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Weekly Update 1/17/18 #1

We need a second 200 dollar check to Cascadia Elementary. It is for camp in June, so don't feel rushed. This Friday, we are going on a field trip to the LIVING COMPUTER MUSEUM. I don't know that many details but there will be computers. Today is early dissmissal and we have an Assembly. Here was the schedule for the last week.

Make sure you bring a lunch for the field trip this Friday.

Monday: MLK Day
Tuesday: CROC(constant rate of change,Revising and editing  our short stories
Wednesday: Assembly 
On Monday it was MLK day so NO SCHOOL!

TUESDAY (1-16-18)
On Tuesday in LA we started with a mindfullness video and then Mr. Brown showed us how to peer review our classmates shortstorys with the drawing thing on word. After we did planner and went home!

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