Monday, September 10, 2018

Instramental Music Information

                                                                                                                                                                                                             September, 2018
Dear Families of 4th and 5th graders at Cascadia,

It is time to kick off instrumental music for a new school year!  Mrs. Knighton is still at Cascadia, and we welcome Ms Anna Baughman as our other instrumental music teacher this year.  Instrumental music is a wonderful opportunity (and great fun!) but also a significant commitment.  So, please pay careful attention to the details below.

Structure of the Program: The Instrumental Music Program provides group instruction in violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, trumpet, and trombone once a week during the regular school day, for both beginners and more advanced students.  Students leave their regular classroom for instrumental music in groups based on their instruments, following a schedule developed after registration is complete.  While students do need to make up class work missed during instrumental music, the teachers are fully involved with the situation and are supportive of instrumental music.  We have never had students develop academic problems as a result of participation.

Expectations of Students in the Program: Students participating in instrumental music are expected to bring their instrument and supplies to school each week on class day, and to practice five (or more) times per week at home.  Students are expected to participate in the mandatory evening concert on April 29 (flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone) or May 1 (violin, viola, cello).  Instrumental music is assessed on the students’ progress reports. Please note that students who are regularly unprepared for class may be removed from the program, since progress cannot take place without instrument in hand.

Who Can Participate?  Instrumental music participation is open to 4th and 5th-grade students of all levels of musical ability.  Advanced groups are added to the schedule based on demand and instructional time available after ensuring that first- and second-year classes can be served. Students with prior instrument experience should sign up during the registration period; they will be contacted for audition!

Instrument Choice: Students may choose to play flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, violin, viola, or cello. 

How to Sign Up: Online registration is now active at the link below!  Please read the information carefully as you go through the sign-up process, and consider watching the instrument demo videos that are linked from the registration website.  Instrument demonstrations will also take place in school on Monday September 10.  Online registration will remain open until Sunday September 16 at 10:00 pm.  If your family does not have internet access, please call Mrs. Knighton at 206-252-0444 x90056 for assistance.

Please note: because of high numbers of participants in instrumental music, and the fact that each year’s schedule is tailored specifically to the students who register, instrument choices may not be changed after the close of the registration period, and late registrations will not be accepted.  Let Mrs. Knighton know, right away, if your child has questions or concerns about this choice.

Online registration is now open!
Online Registration closes: Sunday September 16 at 10:00 pm

Don’t forget to register before the deadline!!

More information on the Reverse Side of the Page!
Instruments and Supplies: It is the policy of Seattle Public Schools to lend instruments to students enrolled in the free and reduced-price lunch program.  All other families are responsible for providing an instrument for their child.  Information about rental/purchase of an instrument will be sent home when your child’s instrument assignment is confirmed in a packet of information after the registration period is complete.  Please do not rent or purchase an instrument until you have received this confirmation packet in kid-mail.

Funding: The district only funds about 15% of what is needed to offer instrumental music; the remaining 85% is covered by the Cascadia PTA!  Please see the attached letter from the PTA about a requested donation per child to offset this cost.  Interested students may participate in instrumental music regardless of ability to contribute.

More Questions?
(note that an outdated registration link is mentioned at the end of the video.  For this year’s registration you must use the Cascadia link listed above.)

  • For more information on instrument choices, you can reference Mrs. Knighton’s video at

  • For issues not addressed in the videos, you can reach Mrs. Knighton at with additional questions.  You can generally expect a response to email within two school days.
We look forward to working with your student in instrumental music this year.  Learning an instrument is an incredible journey, and with your support, we have a great year ahead of us!

Elizabeth J. Knighton and Anna Baughman
Instrumental Music Teachers
Cascadia Elementary School

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