Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Update 9/19/18

During the first two weeks of school we made our charter and chose our class mascots.  Mr. Browns class chose the orcas, and Mr. Hills class chose the fancy bananas. For our charters, Mr. Hill's class chose safe, bananas, creative, optimistic, nerdy and respected. Mr. Browns class chose safe, motivated, creative, pleasant and joyful. This year Cascadia has one new PE teacher, Mrs. Hanford, and a new art teacher, Ms. Bush. In art we made torn paper collages and in PE we played treasure hunt and fitness tag. We also are going to meet our buddy classes which for Mr. Hills class is Mr. Hamby's class and Mr. Browns buddy class is Mrs. Lees class.

This Wednesday, sept 19th 2018 we took a 45-minute break first thing in the morning to go to library. in those 45 minutes we made videos of what and what not to do during library. Rules were like no fighting over books where Lucas and jack fought over and ripped a book, ben and Michael through books into the work turn in bin and then showed how to properly put books in the work turn in bin. Jace and Leta showed why not to run in halls and many other people did other skits, that is one of the many things we did this week.     by Jace

Language Arts
In language arts, we are talking about our charter. We made skits to represent the 6 words on it. Such as bananas, nerdy, safe, optimistic, respected, and creative. It was a blast we all had fun! We also used our reading response journal to write down notes from our books!     by Paige

Weeks 1 and 2 have been a blast in science. First, we did the British fill-in of the water cycle. On the back side there was a crossword. (That was British too.) Then we played the “Water Cycle Game.” Where in Mr. Hill’s class, the line was about a 1 hour wait. However, after that we wrote a story about our water molecule life. After that we started our main question. Why does West Ferris have more water than East Ferris. Mr. Hill’s “friend” is the SAD mayor of East Ferris.   by Alden

This week in math we worked on brushed up on integers, absolute value. I don’t really know what we did exactly but I do know that worked out of our book and did the actual work in our spirals . I need to make this 200 words.     by Nathan

Dates to Remember:
October 4th is Picture Day
October 9th at 5:30 is curriculum night!

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