Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Weekly Update 9/26/18

This week in Mr. Hills class we met our second grade buddies, Mr. Hamby's class. They were very nice. We also started an integers board game project which is very fun. In Mr. Browns class we made a film of do's and don'ts in the lunchroom. We read a few short stories and started social studies.  This week is a PE week and in PE we are playing recess games. Overall, we had a very good week.           By Frances

What Both Classes Did With They're Buddies: 

 As you might know from your children our class has had buddies for 2 weeks. Every Wednesday our 5th grade class has met up with Ms. Lee’s 3rd grade class. The first week we read some books with our buddies.  By Michael

I did not want to be assigned to math for the blog but here I am, blogging about something that I am bad at.  This week we did things about integers, absolute values and fractions and decimals (again ). I have heard that people do not like when I type random thing to make it math the word requirement, so I am going to not. Instead, I will just write more things that make sense just like most of this weeks blog.  By Nathan
Week 3 was a lot like Weeks 1 and 2. We continued working on East
Ferris and West Ferris. We have started to figure out the problem with East Ferris. They are using a shared reservoir. (Not West Ferris is coming over and taking their water OR the monster in the cave is eating their water.) We have started to learn about biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. Thanx for reading my blog and see you next Week! 8-| By; Alden 

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