Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Weekly Update 12/12/18

In language arts, students are editing their novels and making cover pages. Students will be celebrating their writing and hard work on Friday. We are combing with all the other 5th grade classes, who have written poetry anthologies, and having a cozy afternoon of novel and poetry reading. We invite students to wear their pajamas, as well as bring in one stuffy that fits in their backpacks. Additionally, if any parents are able and willing to help out with crockpots, cider, and decorations, please email us!

They have also been reading Charlotte Doyle as a class and should be caught up through chapter 8. 

In science this week, we are wrapping up the food science unit where we look at modeling things to small to see. The end of which is a molecular model that is due Friday the 21st. Students will also be writing a scientific explanation of how chromatography works. We made models of this as well and we used those models to describe how molecules could be separated using their properties.

In math this week, we looked at proportional relationships and how they look in equations (y=kx), how they look in tables (have a constant rate) and how they look on graphs (straight line and go through 0,0). Next week will be the chapter assessment on Thursday and we will be doing some review early next week.

Have a great week.

Josh and Nathan

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