Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Weekly Update 12/19/18

This week has been a good one in the Brown/ Hill classroom. For math, we are learning about area and perimeter. In science we are working on our molecular models (due on the 21st). We are also doing a vlog about the book we are reading in class. (the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle) On Friday, we will also have our holiday party.

In Charlotte Doyle we have been finishing up on our reading responses on part one. In part one Charlotte is a girl who lives on a ship. At first Charlotte liked the captain on the ship but then she realized what he was doing to the crew. Charlotte made good friends with the crew members and the captain wasn’t treating them respectfully. One day Charlotte found a pistol and she went to the captain and when she wanted to show the captain, the pistol was gone. Then the captain started killing the crew with guns and he was also whipping them and Charlotte didn’t like that so she whipped the captain. After that, the crew had to work full time because they had less members. Later Charlotte found out the pistol was part of their plan to get their revenge on the captain. Charlotte was sorry she messed up their plan so we will be writing or vloging a letter to the crew that we will write for Charlotte. The letter will be apologizing to the crew and will tell what Charlotte will do for the crew.

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