Thursday, December 20, 2018

Field Trips

We finally have the amount that each student will be asked to pay for the three field trips this year. It is $275 per student. I am also excited to announce that the Seattle School District will take an online payment for it. They now have a link through the source for most payments.

This link is a FAQ for how to make payments once you are logged into the Source.
I am sorry that the timing of this is so close to the holiday so feel free to wait until January to pay if it is inconvenient.  We also offer scholarships if this amount is difficult. You just have to email Laura at

Field Trips:
  • Living Computer Museum on January 11th and I have already sent out the permission slips. Please make sure it is returned ASAP!
  • The next one will be the Pacific Marine Research Vessel on March 21st. This one will have special instruction for transportation so keep a look out for those.
  • Camp Sealth will be June 4th through the 7th.

thank you so much for your support in making these happen.

Josh and Nathan

P.S. We are still in need of chaperones for the Living Computer Museum on January 11th. If you have your paperwork turned in and are ready to go, please let us know.

Red dates are corrections from the email that was sent out.

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