Friday, January 11, 2019

Weekly Update 1/11/19

By Abby
This week in library we learned about Martin Luther King Jr. We learned about what he fought for and what life was like when he was a kid. We learned this from a video. The video started by telling us about his life as a kid. Then, it went on to how there were a lot of segregation. In the end we learned about all his speeches. After the video we wrote our own versions of his “I Have a Dream” speech. In ours we wrote about problems now, like homelessness. Our entire class learned new things about Martin Luther King Jr. 

        Language Arts            
 By Zara

As we have gotten back from winter break, and the exciting NaNoWriMo is over, and 2019 has started, we have turned our interests to Charlotte Doyle and Writing Out of This World from MoPOP (Seattle Center) our writing and reading skills continue to improve. Charlotte Doyle leads us in to an exciting new part two for a new year! Happy 2019, everybody! 

                                                                     With happy wishes, Zara

Math this week we started the chapter on percent's and will be doing a business project next wee. In science we will be starting science fair next week so keep a look out for the information packet.

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