Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Weekly Update 1/23/19

Hello Parents and guardians of the Fancy Bananas and Orcas,

This past week has been full of excitement. In math we continued percent's and proportions. On Friday the 18th and the 22nd we  had the privilege of having our student teacher give us a lesson.

In science we continued F.L.A.S.H. and started to get into Self-Esteem.

On Tuesday we had a substitute for Mr. Brown, his name was Mr. Clithero.

The next subject in art is black lives matter, social justice, and environmental safety. The art project is completely student lead. It's our choice Ms. Bush just grades.

Soon there might not be enough money to provide hot lunch if the government shutdown continues.  The food contracts are still good the owners who own the food company's and  will get paid later. So don't worry about our school running out of food. But try to bring lunch from home.

Porter G.

Charlotte Doyle 
Well, readers, Mr. Brown and Mr. Hill’s classes have finally wrapped up the exciting tale of Miss Charlotte Doyle. Charlotte gets to Providence, Rhode Island, and greets her family. They find the journal, however, and agree to strike a deal: They all forget the sea voyage and she turns back into a delicate lady. Only then does Charlotte realize that her family does not understand or appreciate the new her. She sneaks out of the house by window (easy when you’ve climbed the royal yard!) and runs to the docks. She boards the Seahawk once more. 
And that, friends, is the story of Charlotte Doyle. 

By Zara

In math this week we have been working on percent's and proportional reasoning. On Friday Mr. Kinser taught math and he did a very good job. We talked about converting percent to decimals and decimals to percent. We also did percent’s of something like what’s 60% of 350? We also had homework yesterday so make sure your child turns it in on Friday. 
-Frances S. 

In science, FLASH continued. We began self-esteem. We learned the three steps of self-confidence 1. I belong. 2. I can do things 3. People appreciate me. We just started self-esteem yesterday because we did a lot of anonymous questions.    

-Juliet F.

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