Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Weekly Update 1/16/18

Hello Parents and Guardians of rooms 274 and 275
by Porter G

These first weeks of 2019 have been full of excitement. On the 11th we got to visit the Living Computer Museum, there were lots of fun activities including, self driving car simulator, robots you can drive, an Atari, there were some new fangled Echo's and google home, and lots of old computers!

This week in math we started a unit on percent's and proportions. ON the 8th we started  F.L.A.S.H!!
In LA we continued Charlotte Doyle, and started grammar and we got Khan Academy account, which your child can tell you about. 

In P.E. we started circus arts. Circus arts is useful because it works on health related fitness and skill related fitness, and it helps kids who don't like competitiveness on being on a team participate in a joy P.E. 

At recess the field is rarely open because there is not enough volunteers and the PTA cant pay for any more paid monitors.

By Abby
This week we used our new “Skills Practice books” to start learning grammar. The class’s finished lesson one on subjects and predicates. Now we are heading into lesson two. In lesson two it talks about complete sentences. Along the way we have discussed and debated about the meaning of the different words. We debated the differences between simple sentences and compound sentences. This is just the start of our grammar adventure!

             Charlotte Doyle  by Zara
 Lately, as we approach the second half of the school year, we plunge deeper into the watery depths of the book The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. As Charlotte finds Zachariah in the brig, and the murderer of Mr. Hollybrass is lurking about, we are definitely immersed in the story of a young girl, a mean captain, and a ship called the Seahawk heading to Providence, New Hampshire.

Math and Science 
By Porter N
Math: In math, we are doing percents and proportions. It’s like the last thing we did with percents, but reversed. Kind of. I'm just a blogger, don’t take my advice   
Science: In science, we’re doing flash, but don’t worry. It's not going to be that awkward... (hopefully)

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