Friday, October 11, 2019

Halloween is Coming Up!

Message from the principal:

Halloween Costumes: With Halloween or other fall festivities approaching, Cascadia’s Race & Equity Team and the Department of Racial Equity Advancement wants to remind our community to be mindful of religious, cultural and ethnic differences. This is also a reminder for everyone that costuming in the form of ethnic and cultural clothing may have religious or spiritual significance and should not be worn if it is not within your own culture.  Cultural appropriation perpetuates inaccurate stereotypes about People of Color.  The stereotypes can create hostile and uncomfortable conditions for our diverse communities.  While appreciation of food, cultural experiences and language are acceptable, appropriating clothing that is not representative of an individual’s self-identity is often times inaccurate and harmful.  
For more information related to this topic the Department of Racial Equity Advancement offers some resources:
 As you consider a school costume, please consider if the costume is modeling "appropriation" or "appreciation."
In addition, please do not wear masks, face coverings or carry weapons. Weapons include guns, swords, staffs or anything that is used as a weapon. If a costume or a part of a costume becomes a distraction in school the teacher may ask for it to be removed. If a costume contains blood or gore please leave that for Halloween evening. We have students of various ages and many costumes can be quite scary for them. Please also remember to adhere to the new SPS dress code policy. Link to article containing policy. 

We are also looking for a few parents to volunteer with the 5th grade celebration. Needed; decorations, snacks, crafts and craft coordinators, cleanup help and just a few extra adults. Let us know if you are available.

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