Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Interview With Mrs. Camile

(Ms. Camile is the teacher that owns Dumbledore) 
Q: What do you teach? 
A: “I teach resource. If a student needs extra help or maybe has trouble focusing, Ms. Camile’s room is a good quiet place to work. 
Q: Why do you bring Dumbledore to school? 
A: Dumbledore is a therapy dog. If a student is upset, Dumbledore helps people relax and is a good distraction from a problem. 
Q: What do you like most about teaching? 
A: “Getting to know kids. 
Q: What do you like least about teaching? 
A: “All the planning and thinking of stuff to do.” 
Q: Do you work with any other teachers? 
A: “Pretty much all of the 4th and 5th grade teachers. Ms. Yelana works with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. I also work with Mr. Brett and Ms. Heidi. 
Q: When do you feel very stressed at school? 
A: If there is a student with big problem and is not simply solved.” 

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