Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Weekly Update 10/9

      In Shakespeare we're learning blocking, where we find out what part of the stage we're supposed to be on. We also learned a new song called "Good Vibrations". In gym we did curl ups and the PACER. We also did sit and reach. In circle, we're answering questions like "what are you looking forward to?" and "what do you wish you were better at?" Jobs are doing well. The classroom is so much cleaner since the custodians started working, and the posters look awesome. Everybody's doing what they need to do and that's great.

In Shakespeare we blocked the prologue, Act One Scene One, and Act One Scene Two. We also started blocking Act Five Scene One. 

LA in Mr. Browns class 10.9.19
This week in Language Arts we have been putting together our Poetry Anthology’s, a collection of our favorite 8 poems that we wrote. Included are: 1 Seasons Poem, 1 Ode, 1 Fog Poem Revision, 1 Haiku, 1 Tanka, 1 Verb Poem, 1 Concrete Poem and 1 extra poem of our choice. We also learned how to revise and edit our poetry and include sensory details, figurative language and original lines. It is due on Monday. We did 1 more type of poem that is not included in the Anthology, namely Blackout Poetry (mentioned in last week’s blog), which we taped on the front of our Writing Journals.  

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