Friday, October 30, 2020

Scary Story

 It was a cold night. I was sitting all alone on my bed in the middle of my bedroom. I couldn’t shake the feeling someone was watching me, hiding there in the darkness. “I am not afraid of you,” I screamed. All I heard was my echo passing through the cold empty house. I had finally worked up the courage to get off the bed but before I did I had to grab a broom and pat the ground. Nothing was there. I slowly stepped off. I heard something shake then a broomstick fell. I took a few steps then paused. Something jumped out of the darkness! “Bwa hahahaha,” said a shadowy figure with a very deep voice. “Who are you? What do you want from me,” I screamed with a squeaky voice like a mouse. “All I want is to..They paused just to make me even more scared. “Hug you and make you some dinner,” the shadowy figure stepped out of the darkness and it was my mom. “I scared you didn’t I,” She said huggging me. “Yes, you did,” I hugged her back. 

by Kaia

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Halloween Costumes

 "Halloween Costumes With Halloween or other fall festivities approaching, Cascadia’s Race & Equity Team and the Department of Racial Equity Advancement wants to remind our community to be mindful of religious, cultural, and ethnic differences. This is also a reminder for everyone that costuming in the form of ethnic and cultural clothing may have religious or spiritual significance and should not be worn if it is not within your own culture. Cultural appropriation perpetuates inaccurate stereotypes about People of Color. The stereotypes can create hostile and uncomfortable conditions for our diverse communities. While appreciation of food, cultural experiences and language are acceptable, appropriating clothing that is not representative of an individual’s self-identity is often inaccurate and harmful. Sandra Mackey, Principal Cascadia Elementary School 1700 N. 90th St., Seattle WA 98103 (MS: NT-292) (206) 413-2000 Website:"

Monday, October 26, 2020

Math and Science Update!

This week in math we have done the try it's in the workbook a lot. We have learnt to divide integers and rational numbers as well. I think dividing integers is easier than subtracting them, which I find interesting. A rational number is any number that can be written as a fraction. Math has gone well this week and I think all the students understand the concepts. There have been some tech issues in class, but we have overcome them. We have also still been using Cornell notes to take notes. 

In science this week we have looked at the patterns of the stars. We have been using the sim to look at the stars. We have studied the artifact more and are now sure that it represents the four seasons, and the broken off bit is spring. Now we are trying to figure out what other things the artifact represents, the house like objects for example. Science has gone really well this week. 


Friday, October 16, 2020

Weekly Update 10/16/20

Mr. Brown will be sending home progress reports today and Monday. Look for any email ccing your student. 



Schoology: This is the go-to place to track assignments. Look for priority assignments and check the overdue section of each class. That is where you will find the most up to date information on your students' progress.   


Content Updates: 

Math: This week we multiplied integers and rational numbers and next week we will be dividing them. Make sure you student is keeping up with assignments on Schoology. 

Reading: Students spent time reading student stories that won Mopop’s Write Out of this World science-fiction and fantasy writing contest. They picked stories that they liked and will be using it as an example text for their own short stories. They started a character analysis project that is due next week about their chosen story. 

Writing: This week, students focused on sensory details by writing about the experience of eating food, exercising, nature, and creatures by using their five senses. Students also started to write summaries of their chosen Write Out of this World story. 

Science: We looked this week at how the rotation of the Earth causes days and nights and are moving into looking at the orbit of the Earth around the sun is the reason for the seasons. Students are also formalizing their understanding of the mysterious artifact. We are about halfway to figuring out what is on the missing piece. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Math and Science

This week in math we have done some tests and things and done some of the try it's in the workbook. We have learnt to add and subtract integers and rational numbers as well. A rational number is any number that can be written as a fraction. Math has gone well this week and I think all the students understand the concepts. We have also still been using Cornell notes to take notes. 

In science this week we have looked at the patterns of the stars. We have been using the sim to look at the stars. We also looked at some constellations and patterns of them. We have been setting the speed higher every day to see different patterns. We have been looking into the artifact more as well and everybody have come to an understanding that the four segments might represent the four seasons. We are still in question about what the broken off bit is, but people have come up with theories. Science has gone really well this week.  


Weekly Update 10/9/12

 Schoology: This is the go-to place to track assignments. Look for priority assignments and check the overdue section of each class. That is where you will find the most up to date information on your students' progress.   

Instrumental Music: Instrument music starts next week. Instrumental students will miss some in person instruction and it will up to each student to check in with us during Async time to make sure they don’t miss anything. 

Math: We took our first graded assessment this week. Have your student login to EasyBridge and show you how they did on the Topic 1 Mid-Topic Assessment. This will show you how well they add and subtract rational numbers. Next week, I will be pulling small groups during Async time to help students who have struggled with these concepts. 

Reading: This week we read a tough story called There Will Come Soft Rains. We worked vocabulary and analyzed the story for character and conflict. Students debated whether or not a Smart Home can be the protagonist of a story. Lastly, we co-created a brief summary of the story. 

Writing: Students worked on typing up and submitting a 250-1,500 word story this week. In preparation of our science-fiction/fantasy short story unit, students are sharing writing with me. I’ll be using their samples of writing to guide lessons and give individual feedback about what each student writer can work on.  

Science: We looked this week at how the rotation of the Earth causes days and nights and are moving into looking at the orbit of the Earth around the sun is the reason for the seasons. Students are also formalizing their understanding of the mysterious artifact. We are about halfway to figuring out what is on the missing piece. 

Blog: Check out the blog for weekly updates of what was covered in each class. It also includes lots of helpful information and links about school, including tech tips and tech resources for families. The link to that is here! This is student centered and, so far, they have done a great job supplying content for the blog. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Weekly UPdates

 This week in math we have done some tests and done some of the workbook. We have learnt to add and subtract integers as well. As an example, 3 + -7 = -4 and –3 - -7 = 4. We have also been doing some see-what-you-know tests to see what level the students are at. We are working with rational numbers and learnt what a rational number is. It is any number that can be written as a fraction. Math has gone well this week and I think all the students understand the concepts. We have also still been using Cornell notes to take notes. 

In science this week we have looked at the patterns of the stars. We have been using the sim to look at the stars. We also looked at some constellations and patterns of them. We have been setting the speed to minutes then hours then days to see different patterns. We have been looking into the artifact more as well and some of the students (including myself) have come to an understanding that the four segments might represent the four seasons. Science has gone really well this week. 


Inktober Drawings

Examples of student work.

by Lottie

Thursday, October 1, 2020



Inktober rules:

1) Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want).