Friday, October 16, 2020

Weekly Update 10/16/20

Mr. Brown will be sending home progress reports today and Monday. Look for any email ccing your student. 



Schoology: This is the go-to place to track assignments. Look for priority assignments and check the overdue section of each class. That is where you will find the most up to date information on your students' progress.   


Content Updates: 

Math: This week we multiplied integers and rational numbers and next week we will be dividing them. Make sure you student is keeping up with assignments on Schoology. 

Reading: Students spent time reading student stories that won Mopop’s Write Out of this World science-fiction and fantasy writing contest. They picked stories that they liked and will be using it as an example text for their own short stories. They started a character analysis project that is due next week about their chosen story. 

Writing: This week, students focused on sensory details by writing about the experience of eating food, exercising, nature, and creatures by using their five senses. Students also started to write summaries of their chosen Write Out of this World story. 

Science: We looked this week at how the rotation of the Earth causes days and nights and are moving into looking at the orbit of the Earth around the sun is the reason for the seasons. Students are also formalizing their understanding of the mysterious artifact. We are about halfway to figuring out what is on the missing piece. 

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