Friday, October 2, 2020

Weekly UPdates

 This week in math we have done some tests and done some of the workbook. We have learnt to add and subtract integers as well. As an example, 3 + -7 = -4 and –3 - -7 = 4. We have also been doing some see-what-you-know tests to see what level the students are at. We are working with rational numbers and learnt what a rational number is. It is any number that can be written as a fraction. Math has gone well this week and I think all the students understand the concepts. We have also still been using Cornell notes to take notes. 

In science this week we have looked at the patterns of the stars. We have been using the sim to look at the stars. We also looked at some constellations and patterns of them. We have been setting the speed to minutes then hours then days to see different patterns. We have been looking into the artifact more as well and some of the students (including myself) have come to an understanding that the four segments might represent the four seasons. Science has gone really well this week. 


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