Friday, October 30, 2020

Scary Story

 It was a cold night. I was sitting all alone on my bed in the middle of my bedroom. I couldn’t shake the feeling someone was watching me, hiding there in the darkness. “I am not afraid of you,” I screamed. All I heard was my echo passing through the cold empty house. I had finally worked up the courage to get off the bed but before I did I had to grab a broom and pat the ground. Nothing was there. I slowly stepped off. I heard something shake then a broomstick fell. I took a few steps then paused. Something jumped out of the darkness! “Bwa hahahaha,” said a shadowy figure with a very deep voice. “Who are you? What do you want from me,” I screamed with a squeaky voice like a mouse. “All I want is to..They paused just to make me even more scared. “Hug you and make you some dinner,” the shadowy figure stepped out of the darkness and it was my mom. “I scared you didn’t I,” She said huggging me. “Yes, you did,” I hugged her back. 

by Kaia

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