Friday, October 2, 2015

Greeting Room S306 Families!

I am Thea Galante, mother of Reed Galante, and will be one of your Room Parents supporting Mr. Hill for this school year.  If anyone else would like to be a Room Parent along with me, please step up!  There is a Room Parent orientation Monday, 10/05, at 9:45am in the overflow lunchroom (cafeteria).  If you are not sure, come along and hear all about it!

S306 will always be grateful for parent volunteers and donations (food, craft supplies, etc) around classroom events, parties, Colonial Days, etc.  Be on the look out for a Sign Up Genius a few times during the year. 

"Thank you" to all the parents who were able to attend curriculum night and filled out the info sheet I passed around.  I will use the information to create a Shutterfly S306 homeroom class site.  Only members can access it, so shared class pictures and other personal info to help communication, like email addresses and phone numbers, are protected.  It is a great place to store pictures throughout the year from various activities (field trips, parties, classroom events, etc) for possible use in the yearbook and 5th grade graduation events.  You will find a calendar which will generate email reminders (occasionally!) for important dates (picture day, test dates, field trips, class parties, performances, etc).

If you were unable to attend or the sheet did not reach you, please email me:

Parent name(s)
Email address(es)
Phone numbers - indicate if OK to text - Yes or No
Can you help with classroom activities - Yes or No
Can we add you to the Shutterfly site - Yes or No
OK to share photos of your student on the Shutterfly site - Yes or No

I hope to have the site live by the end of this weekend.  You will receive an email from Shutterfly inviting you to join the site.  You can always opt out later if you find the reminders are not useful or just one parent wants to receive emails.  Let me know!   Hopefully this will help keep everyone "in the loop" of Cascadia and S306 activities!  Thanks, Thea

Email contact:
Cell: 206-295-3486 

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