Thursday, October 22, 2015


Islandwood was so much fun! We had many amazing adventures! We hiked to the harbor, explored the canopy, learned about ecosystems and got up close and personal with some banana slugs. We also got to hike in the dark, letting our leader guide the way with just their voice. Thank you for your support of this program.

We are finishing up our first unit on Integers. They are going to be working on their projects and correcting their tests next week. On Friday you will be getting a packet that shows their progress in this content area.

We are also wrapping up our first reading unit. Students have shown amazing growth in letting the story guide how they respond, exploring big ideas linked to small details, connecting story elements and analyzing author craft. We will be sending their journals home next week so you can look at their progress before we start our Science Fiction unit.

Language Arts
Today we had rehearsal for Shakespeare. We have also done much writing in our reading class. Including; journaling about the reading we are doing on our own.


We have begun using our stream tables to model streams. Students are getting dirty watching as the rain creates erosion and making great observations of what happens as it rains down on our land masses. 

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