Friday, December 15, 2017

the Elements by, Chris

The fire is my fury and my hope, 
Shining brighter than ever before. 
The water is my fighting arts, 
Sparkling more than all the rest. 
The plants are my protection and care, 
Protection for everyone is what they deserve. 
The lightning is my energy and endurance, 
My lightning always strikes. 
The earth is my feelings and dreams, 
Always about to come out my mouth. 
The elements are who I am, 
And all I will ever be. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Current Events Report 12/12/17

In just three days, it's going to be winter break. Also, in science we have a molecular model project due Friday. This has to be a 3D model and you can use any types of materials. It also has to have a key that explains what types of atoms there are in the molecule projects. It has been a fun time building these projects. We are also almost ready to submit are stories to the Write Out of This World.


Update 12/12/17 #2

Language Arts/Social Studies
MONDAY (12-11-17)
On Monday in language arts we watched a Crash Course first Americans video and we took notes on it. After we discussed what the video talked about. We also had to go on to schoolboy to answer a question for S.S. lastly we had Monday workday.

TUESDAY (12-12-17)
On Tuesday in LA we had a substitute teacher, Mr. Bean. With him we read chapters 22-23 in the history of us books then had to fill out a sheet about the Inca and Aztec from what we read.

WEDNESDAY (12-13-17)
On Wednesday, we had job time.

Monday: On Monday, we worked on solving two step inequalities. It was a bit of a review from what we had been working on earlier, because we were having a test on Tuesday. A lot of kids had instrumental music, and so, like normal, we had Monday work day. Our task for math was to complete a daily math packet.

Tuesday: We had a math test on Tuesday, and once you had finished your math test you could work on your molecular model, which is due on Friday and must be clean and neat.
Wednesday: No math today! We are preparing for Thursday, when we are explaining blueprint and meta moment to our second grade buddies for later years in Elementary school. Student council meetings and instrumental music are both today.

Thursday: NO math! Buddy classes in the morning and a party later in the afternoon.
Friday: Today we have no math, but we do have a science gallery walk and science movie. We also have Early dismissal and Winter Break. Happy Holidays!

Weekly Update 12/13/17

We will be going to the Living Computer Museum on Friday 1/19/18. We need volunteers for chaperoning, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.

We need all the parents who haven't, to give a 200 dollar check for the down payment on our field trips. We have about 75% of checks in, but we need the rest. Please turn them in as soon as you can. Thank you.

 On Monday, we had Monday work day. Before Monday work day in math we did 2-step inequalities. It was sort of a review because of the test on Tuesday. In science, we got all of our materials for our model project and started building. In social studies, we watched Crash Course History which talked about the Europeans coming to America. For Monday work day, we had 2 hours to do Daily Math, we worked on our model project, our schoolology social studies response, and 20 minutes IDR.

 On Tuesday we had a math test. Mr. Hill shortened the test to 3 problems because it is the holidays. In science we worked on our model project which is due on Friday. In Mr. Brown's class, we had a sub named Mr. Bean.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Weekly Update 12/6/17 #3

Monday: We solved two step equations. We used the basic algebraic formula y=mx+b. we didn’t do much else, because we always have Monday work day tasks. We completed a Daily Math worksheet, which had four story problems of different level and type. 
Tuesday: Today, Mr. Hill’s projector wasn’t working in our normal classroom. It would, however work in the first classroom down the pod, and because it was an empty classroom, Mr. Hill moved us into that room for the day. We talked a little bit about how we would like to arrange the room, but then we started on a new lesson- one with a bit of review. We were working on inequalities algebraically, which we found was quite like the other problems we had been doing this unit.
Social Studies/Language Arts
Monday (12-04-17)
on Monday in language arts we watched a video and while watching we took notes and wrote a summary. after when class was almost over the class had a discussion about what were the most important notes that we could write in the summary.
Tuesday (12-05-17)
on Tuesday we continued to watch the movie, take notes, write the summary and have the class discussion.

Weekly Update 12/6/17 #2

On Monday, we did Monday work day. We did 4 things. Chapter 6 daily math, molecular model project part 2, 20 minutes of IDR, and flash drafting our short stories that we are writing. The short stories that we are writing have to be under 2,000 words. There is a short story writing contest at MOPOP for Fantasy and Si-fi stories between 200 and 2,000 words. Some of us who are writing Si-fi or Fantasy stories are entering. In Social Studies, we started watching a video about America before Columbus. We were supposed to take notes on anything we thought was important.

On Tuesday in Social Studies, we watched a little bit more of the America before Columbus video. We toke more notes and got to 46:20 minutes in of about 1 hour and 30 minutes. In math we had to move to room 271 because Mr. Hill's projector was not working. While we were in there, we did solving equations with inequality signs instead of equals signs.


Weekly Update 12/6/17 #1

In language arts, we are writing short stories. If we want to enter the Write Out of This World contest, the story we are writing can't be longer than two thousand words, and it has to be either fantasy or science fiction. If you don't want to enter the contest you don't have too. But, you still have to write a short story even though it doesn't have to be either fantasy or science fiction. 

Next weekend is the beginning if winter break. Winter break is for two weeks! Some are going to travel out of town and some are going to stay in town. Many people hope it will snow on Christmas!

Current Events Reporter

Friday, December 1, 2017

Living Computer Museum Field Trip

We will be going to the Living Computer Museum on Friday 1/19/18. If you are interested in chaperoning, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Camp Chaperone Paperwork

If you are at all interested in being a chaperone, please complete this form and get it in to the office early. We are already having parents who are interested.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Student NaNoWriMo

Blessing of the Gods 
 By, Chris Page Break 
"Can we go home now?" I moaned.  
I was in my middle school doing a final exam to see if I was going to make it to high school next year.  
"Go home then, and get out of this school! Just go and get out!" Ms. Tart yelled. 
I was walking out of the building eyeing my best friend, Buster. My name is Ricky Chap. I am 14 years old and I love fighting. Buster is a bit weird, but I like him. He's 6 years old and he was the smartest person I knew (obviously, because he is in my grade and he's 6 years old). Buster was a tiny little guy with a watch, he calls it Jeff. Although Buster is the smartest 6-year-old ever, he still acts like a 6-year-old kid. 
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Buster screamed. 
Buster's screaming was so loud that it felt like he was piercing my ears to death. Well I am going to have another year in middle school, and while Buster gets into collage next year. 
"Shut up! You idiot! Why don't you join Ricky and go back home!?" Ms. Tart snapped. 
Then Buster quietly came out of his seat then he started yelling. 
"Yay! I get to go home with Ricky!" 
I was the most embarrassed I had ever been in my whole life. All the 8th graders were passing notes and giggling more than ever before. For some reason, I prayed that the school would get destroyed. 
I had to sprint after Buster because, like a 6-year-old kid, he’s crazy. I walked to Buster’s house and I had told his family, but I didn’t tell Buster’s parents about how, we got kicked out of school. 
   As I was walking home, my eyes came out of my eye sockets because, I saw something I had never wanted to see before. It was in the forest, just staring at me, it had horns that were as big as my foot. It looked exactly like Ms. Tart. That’s when my nerves started popping in my body like crazy, suddenly I saw a yellow and blue cylinder towards the sky. Then my body felt a jolt of pain, my body wouldn’t move or work at all, my brain wouldn’t let me think. I tumbled down a bumpy cliff onto a rock. Suddenly my whole body started getting energized and I felt more power than ever before. 
This is amazing! I feel pumped and plentiful and my wounds don’t hurt anymore! This must be when pigs finally fly!” 
I tried to concentrate to kill the hideous monster. I did something very bad 
I charged and I tried to punch the hideous beast, but of course it dodged my punch. I tumbled into the water when I missed. “Ms. Tart” was watching me from above. 
You fool! You thought that you could kill me? You're just a little kid. You won’t even survive the games!” Ms. Tart cackled 
I still felt blazed so I tried to attack again. I was so focused and determined to kill the hideous creature that lightning came out of my hands like a lightsaber coming out of its base. I had hit the creature with my lightning and my agility, and the creature flew backwards back in the forest. 
"Go back to where you came from you beast!" I taunted. 
"Oh, you wait for the games, you wicked child." The creature taunted back. 
I was walking back home thinking of an excuse for being late for dinner. More important is that, I had to be prepared for the "games". All I want is world peace where there are no conflicts between people, companies, countries, etc. Now that I know gods and monsters truly exist, I'm going to have to train myself to play the "games" according to "Ms. Tart". 
I actually made it home in time right when dinner started. 
"Where were you? You were supposed to be home and doing summer homework! Just because it is summer break, that doesn't mean that you don't have to follow expectations Ricky Chap!" Snapped my evil mom. 
That was my mom. She is so mean, she hates me because when I was born, she thought I looked really ugly, and when I was about 3 years old, I accidently held on to my mom's leg and she toppled over on to a concrete sidewalk and she broke her ankle. To that day, she has eternally hated me. 
"Oh...uh... I was chasing Buster to get him to play a game with me. So I could calm him down. It also took me a while to walk back home." I lied. 
When I told her my lie, she actually believed me and went to the living room to watch T.V. she had black hair just like me and she was fat and very lazy, she makes my dad do all the work, like washing the dishes and washing clothes then folding them, and the wort part of all, she forces me and my dad to give her about $400 every day. That way she can go to the casino and gamble for money. If she wins some cash, she will just hog it all to herself and go on shopping spree and buys everything for herself none for us. My dad makes about $10 an hour and he works for 10 hours every day. My dad works at a casino (what a coincidence), and he just tells corny jokes the whole time. When my dad gets home at about 12.00 o clock, mom goes out to gamble at the same casino my dad works at. My mom just sits on the couch all day watching T.V. 
I ate my dinner miserably and went upstairs to my room to go to bed 2 hours early. 
Suddenly I woke up a few hours later. At first I just thought that it was mom going to the casino, but when I looked outside, I saw Buster. What was he even doing outside late at night? I saw his face from the street lights and I saw that he was backing away from something. I had an urge to jump out the window and go help Buster with whatever was scaring him. 
Instead I sneaked past my mom who was still at home watching T.V. then I crept out the door. Luckily my mom has the T.V. on the highest volume possible so mom wouldn't notice me open the door and sneak out of the house. 
When I got out to the street, I saw a very tall person, giving Buster a packet of M&Ms and some Snickers bars and then something happened after that shocked me as much as the lightning bolt did... they had shaken hands and Buster went into a car with the tall man. Was the tall man kidnapping Buster? 
"Buster! Come back! Don't go with that stranger! He is going to kidnap you! Get out of the car now!" I yelled to Buster. 
It was too late. The car started and drove out of a driveway. 
I wanted to help, but the car was too fast for me to run up too. 
Suddenly... an idea came upon my mind. Could trap the car to a cliff and catch the kidnapper from there, but I was nervous because I had never done anything this brave before. 
I started by jumping onto a huge pick-up truck driving through my street. My heart was pounding but told me to keep going, but my brain gave me a big STOP! I chose to stick to my heart and save Buster. 
The pick-up truck I was on had caught up to the kidnapper's car. Next I was going to jump in front of every turn the kidnapper's car was going to make, and then jump on to the kidnapper's car and do it all over again until they get to a dead end. 
When I did just that, I realized that it was going to take about 100 roads until we hit a dead end. So instead I just planned to jump on their car and follow them to wherever they are going. 
When I was ready to jump off the pick-up truck, I was determined to save Buster from the kidnapper. 
I propelled my legs forward to jump on the car, but I was falling half way through and I knew that I was going to fall and get run over and die. 
Suddenly... a bolt of lightning came from the sky and energized me, and gave me more power to make the jump! I had now gotten onto the car and started rampaging for Buster inside. Since I had electricity powers in me right now, I easily ripped open the top of the car. 
"Buster! Get out of that stranger's car! It's very dangerous!"  
 Buster had just stayed in the car like it was a procedure to do so. He didn't even care that I was here at all to save him from the kidnapper. The driver didn't care at all that I had broken his car and now hijacking it. He just kept driving like a regular man, but what I did notice is that the kidnapper didn't seem to be moving at all, when I looked at Buster, he didn't seem to be moving at all either. That's when I realized that I had been tricked into going into the wrong car the whole time! 
I saw another car exactly like the one I was on, but this one was going a lot faster and making sharper moves around corners and I heard really loud music. The music was about the games the Olympic games to be specific. 
I knew that I had to go after him, so I started sprinting, and since I still had my lightning abilities, I was going about 200mph. I felt like the wind was propelling me forward instead of forcing me back. 
When I caught up to the car, we were at an old house, it looked like a spiritual house. Suddenly I felt a lot more tired and I realized that I had lost my lightning abilities. I was going to sneak inside the house, then all of the sudden, the kidnapper came out of the car with Buster. 
Then I made a split-second decision to dive into the bushes. When I did I felt safe but I made some rustling in the bushes as I jumped in. 
"Who's there?! Probably just a squirrel. Anyway Buster, do you want some more candy? Actually let me tell you what's going on. First of all, I need to train you for the Olympic games for special kids. Second, who is the kid who takes you home every day? He can absorb power and use it to do things, do you know?" Asked the kidnapper. 
"Wicky! I wike Ricky! I wish that he was here wight now though..." Buster wished. 
"O.K. Buster you will be away from your parents for a while to train for the games for a few months. By the time you wake up... I'll have Ricky for you to train with. Guards... come at once!" The kidnapper commanded. 
Suddenly... 4 full grown men who were heavily armed with armor and weapons came out the spiritual house marching proudly.         
"Yes sir?" All the guards said. 
"Get Buster some dinner and then take him to bed. I've got someone to catch." 
He was after me. He would go to my house and try to kidnap me, but I wasn't there, but if I was, my mom would let me get kidnaped and help to kidnap me. What was I going to do? Should I just turn myself in? Or should I stay hiding? I hated my mom so much that I actually wanted to participate in the games with Buster. 
"What's for dinner? I hope it's pizza... my favorite." Said Buster. 
"You get to eat whatever the chefs cook... punk." One of the guards scolded. 
"Talk to our guest nicely!!!! He's only 6!!!!! Get him pizza for dinner as well!!!!!!!!!!!" The kidnapper yelled. 
"Y-y-y-y-yes si-sir..." The guard stammered. 
I was about to turn myself in. Because I started to get intrigued into the games and I was sick of my mother, so I would join into the Olympic games. 
"I'm right here! I want to join the games to! I'm Ricky, the guy that you wanted to kidnap." I said. 
"Oh! You can come with us wherever you are! We will train you with your best friend, Buster." The kidnapper said cheerfully. 
"Ricky? Ricky! You came to play wif me!"  
The guards were heading towards me to bring me to dinner. I was very lucky that the kidnapper liked me and Buster a lot. 
After we ate dinner, we got to sleep in luxury, king sized beds and snacks all around us. We also got to, watch a movie, but since Buster was only six, we had to watch a kid's movie, or else Buster would get very scared if we watched a horror movie, or if it was PG13. 
After the terrible movie, we went to bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly and then I woke up early, again. This time I heard what sounded like the kidnapper talking to someone. 
"O.K. we will start training in the morning. You will meet your new teammates tomorrow, they are quite interesting indeed." The kidnapper said. 
"Oh boy! I can't wait to start tomorrow!" A cheerful voice said. 
I was still very tired so I fell asleep. A wondered what kind of powers Buster has that allowed him to be here? Who is the new guy? I wonder why he is so happy? 
When I woke, I thought that I would be seeing servants carrying breakfast over to me, but instead... I saw the kidnapper but without his hood on his head. 
"Good morning kids! Now get up and get changed and breakfast is downstairs. When your done come out to the front of the house, and by the way, my name is Norway." Norway said. 
I went to my cabinet that said "Ricky" and then I picked the fresh clothes out of the cabinet and changed into them. They were t-shirts that said, Olympic games 2017 on the front of it. 
I went downstairs to see what breakfast was, it was bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes galore!  
After I gobbled down my breakfast, I went out to the front of the house like Norway had said to. He was holding some kind of sword. 
"O.K. kids, lets start training right now! I'm going to split you into pairs and you are going to battle each other to show me how much skill you kids have with a sword." Norway said. 
"But sir... there are only 3 of us!" I said looking around me to make sure that my statement was correct. 
"Now don't worry, he around here somewhere. Come out Waldo! It is time to start training!" Norway said. 
"O.K.." said who seemed to be Waldo. 
Then I saw a tall dimwitted figure climb out of a bush. Then he started to sob. He had scratches all over his neck and his shirt was torn and beat.  
"Come and I will put mush on you." Said Norway calmly. 
Waldo stopped sobbing and he put on a determined face, and then he went over to Norway and Norway did something really surprising to me... he took a sword and he stabbed it into Waldo. 
"UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Waldo obviously in a lot of pain. 
I didn't see the blade come out of the other end of his body though. 
"What are you doing?" I asked in horror. 
"Just giving him the mush that he wanted my friend." Norway said calmly. 
"You stabbed him!" 
"That's the only way to get the fluid in his body. In my sword, liquid comes out when I press a certain button and it flows through Waldo's veins when I stab him. Plus, I use the technique that hurts the least." 
I was relieved that Waldo was O.K. when he thanked Norway for stabbing him. I don't know why, but I had sympathy for him. I couldn't help because he was so ragged and torn up that I was rooting for him in the games. 
"This is Ricky, this is Buster, and this is Carlos. Everyone this is Waldo, he is my helper. I rescued him from... you know... I won't tell you right now." Said Norway fearfully. 
"Now the pairs are going to be, Buster fighting, Waldo and, Carlos fighting Ricky. Do you get that?" Norway said. 
All four of us nodded and looked at our opponents and nodded to each other. We got to our battle stations and Norway gave us swords that had bronze and iron on them. 
"Nice to meet you Carlos. I'm Ricky." I said to Carlos. 
"Nice to meet you to, Ricky." Said Carlos. 
"Let's not try to hurt each other to badly, O.K.?" I said to Carlos. 
"O.K. sure," Carlos said. 
We shook each other's hand and we started to walk in a circle starting the duel. I charged in for an attack but Carlos swiftly dodged my move and attacked with a counter slash. He scraped my back with the iron side of his sword. 
I was so determined to beat Carlos even though it didn't matter whether I beat him or not. Suddenly lightning came out of the sky, and of course it hit me. I got all the energy I needed to beat Carlos in the duel. He was terrified when he saw that I had got shocked by electricity. He was running towards me and I thought that he was going to strike, so I punched him in the face once he got close enough and Carlos went flying out of the ring and he was surprisingly still conscious. I went for another punch but he put his hands up and surrendered to me. 
"Why did you punch me? I thought we were good!" Carlos exclaimed. 
"You were going to attack me! I had to!" I countered. 
"You got zapped by lightning and I thought that you were hurt!" 
"I'm sorry Carlos. My power is to endure lightning to use for myself." 
"I'm still mad that you attacked me, my power is my strength and endurance. I could use it on you right now, I don't care about you anymore. If it wasn't for my powers, I could be dead right now!" 
 "Carlos! Ricky can and will do anything to beat you!" Norway jump in and scolded. 
   I felt super bad for Carlos and extremely mad at him for not understanding that I thought he was attacking me. He has no sympathy for me for misunderstanding. I wish that I did kill that moron Carlos and all his hopes. 
"Yeah Carlos I could beat you any time I wanted you idiot!" I said realizing that I shouldn't have. 
"Well good luck, dying in the games lightning freak!" Carlos said back to me. 
I wanted to punch him in the face and make him bleed. I wanted him dead. 
"If you think that you are so cool, then get in the ring and fight me! I beat you once Carlos! I will tear you to shreds and then I will burn your body but capture the ashes and burry you and feed you to the god dang worms!" I said in rage. 
"Man, your even more idiotic then I had thought you were! Bring it on you brat!" Carlos came back. 
We started to walk towards to ring and I grabbed my blade and I examined it carefully. Then I concentrated on the blade and I felt a surge in my head and my brain exploded with pain. A was down on the ground holding my head, but I still had my sword in my hand. Then I knew what was coming next. 
"You in pain already? You must be so weak, that walking hurts you so badly." Carlos taunted. 
I just saw Norway watching us with no expression on his tan face. 
The pain in my head stopped suddenly and I held up the blade still on the ground. I did not know why I had done it but my body did it naturally before I could stop myself. 
Lightning came from the sky and it hit the tip of my blade and struck through and hit me and I got tons of energy (as usual). I was looking at my blade and I saw streams of all different colors run down my sword and my sword started glowing. I knew that i was going to beat Carlos up with my new electric sword. I saw Carlos standing and looking at me in terror. 
"You devil, you little pest, I wish that you were never born, I wish that you would just stop with the lightning thing already!" Carlos said. 
"Let's fight then idiot." I said to Carlos. 
"I will judge this match and I wish good luck to both of you. Whoever wins gets extra dinner and gets to watch a movie of their choice and get to watch it in their own bedroom for a day, loser gets to clean all the dishes and make everything perfectly neat for a week. whoever pleads mercy or get knocked out, loses. Got that kids?" Norway said. 
Me and Carlos nodded in silence. We walked over to the ring and we started dueling when Norway said so. I was going in for an attack, but Carlos dodged and kicked me in the back so hard that it knocked the wind out of. Carlos let out a hearty chuckle like he ruled the world. I caught my breath and I charged, but this time I played it smarter, when I charged, i stopped right in front of him so, he dodged for nothing expecting that I was going to try to hit him. When he dodged nothing, I sliced him, I saw a huge cut on his forehead and he scowled in pain and he held his head like I did earlier and he charged me with his sword in his other hand. he was fighting so that way he could kill me but I just wanted to show him how he's an idiot for misunderstanding and being a jerk to me. I decided that I was going to knock him out and I will win the duel but I would have to defend myself so I can think of a plan. i thought that I could knock him out by leading him into a wall or faceplanting him. At that moment, I jumped over Carlos and I rode him like a bull, but it was hard to stay on because he was as strong as a bull as well. When I was on his back, i put all my force on pushing Carlos's head towards the ground. when i had done that Carlos was really mad and he started stabbing at me on his back. One of his swings sliced me on the chest. red liquid ran down my torn chest, i was still determined to knock Carlos out so I started to choke Carlos to death. after a few minutes of being thrown around, i finally choked Carlos. then everything went black for a long time. 
I woke up in some sort of room that was for a king I was lying in a bed with snacks and soda everywhere. suddenly I looked to my right and I saw a lady looking at me nervously. 
"Rest! You must rest! Go back to sleep! I must help you and your wounds." The lady said hush fully to me. 
"Can I watch a movie? Please?" I begged with sweet eyes to lure her to say yes. 
"O.K... but only if you rest." The lady said. 
Suddenly a 60-inch T.V. popped out of the wall like magic. I was thinking of watching a horror movie like Dracula and suddenly... the T.V. turned on and it started the movie Dracula! 
"Magic T.V. is what it is. It can read what you're thinking and how you fell, and does whatever you dream of that is possible for it to do." The lady said to me delightfully. 
I was wishing that I could see my dad because, even though I was being treated like a king. I wanted to go home so badly, but I know that my destiny is to play in the games and train in this house with cursed, dumb, idiotic, Carlos. 
After I watched Dracula, I snuck out of the room while   the lady wasn't in the room anymore. When I got out I realized that there were stitches on my chest, patching up; my wound. Then I saw Carlos, filthy Carlos. He was washing the dishes and I heard him scowl something but I couldn't make out what he scowled. 
I was sneaking out of the hallway until I saw Waldo walking out of the old bedroom. I saw that he was holding something in his hand and he was sobbing. With a look of surprise on his face, he saw me staring at him. Then he sprinted away as he stopped sobbing. 
Three months later, all of us were ready for the games to begin. Carlos had disappeared 2 months into training. I bet that he ran away because he hated how I had beat him and knocked him out cold. We got in the car that Norway took Buster with. It was Buster's birthday today and the games were tomorrow he was so close to getting good luck from the Gods. Buster got to sit shotgun in the car, Waldo was getting better and he was a lot better at sword fighting now. Waldo decided to enter the games last second so he got to throw javelins and he got to practice throwing a discus as well. Waldo has also became very muscular, almost as strong as cursed Carlos. I was doing sword fighting and boxing. Buster was doing the same thing as me, but we didn't know his powers yet, Norway still had faith in Buster to win the games. 
After 4 hours of awkward silence, we got out of the kiddnapperobile (not really) and we went to a national state park. It looked ordinary and it had lots of dogs and frisbees flying all around the place.  
"Let's go to the end of the park leads us to the games. At the end there will be an old lady who says that there is nothing there, but if you show her your power or she can sense your aura, then we can pass through a hole into the stadium. For the games."