Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Weekly Update 12/6/17 #2

On Monday, we did Monday work day. We did 4 things. Chapter 6 daily math, molecular model project part 2, 20 minutes of IDR, and flash drafting our short stories that we are writing. The short stories that we are writing have to be under 2,000 words. There is a short story writing contest at MOPOP for Fantasy and Si-fi stories between 200 and 2,000 words. Some of us who are writing Si-fi or Fantasy stories are entering. In Social Studies, we started watching a video about America before Columbus. We were supposed to take notes on anything we thought was important.

On Tuesday in Social Studies, we watched a little bit more of the America before Columbus video. We toke more notes and got to 46:20 minutes in of about 1 hour and 30 minutes. In math we had to move to room 271 because Mr. Hill's projector was not working. While we were in there, we did solving equations with inequality signs instead of equals signs.


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