Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Update 12/12/17 #2

Language Arts/Social Studies
MONDAY (12-11-17)
On Monday in language arts we watched a Crash Course first Americans video and we took notes on it. After we discussed what the video talked about. We also had to go on to schoolboy to answer a question for S.S. lastly we had Monday workday.

TUESDAY (12-12-17)
On Tuesday in LA we had a substitute teacher, Mr. Bean. With him we read chapters 22-23 in the history of us books then had to fill out a sheet about the Inca and Aztec from what we read.

WEDNESDAY (12-13-17)
On Wednesday, we had job time.

Monday: On Monday, we worked on solving two step inequalities. It was a bit of a review from what we had been working on earlier, because we were having a test on Tuesday. A lot of kids had instrumental music, and so, like normal, we had Monday work day. Our task for math was to complete a daily math packet.

Tuesday: We had a math test on Tuesday, and once you had finished your math test you could work on your molecular model, which is due on Friday and must be clean and neat.
Wednesday: No math today! We are preparing for Thursday, when we are explaining blueprint and meta moment to our second grade buddies for later years in Elementary school. Student council meetings and instrumental music are both today.

Thursday: NO math! Buddy classes in the morning and a party later in the afternoon.
Friday: Today we have no math, but we do have a science gallery walk and science movie. We also have Early dismissal and Winter Break. Happy Holidays!

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