Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Weekly Update 12/13/17

We will be going to the Living Computer Museum on Friday 1/19/18. We need volunteers for chaperoning, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.

We need all the parents who haven't, to give a 200 dollar check for the down payment on our field trips. We have about 75% of checks in, but we need the rest. Please turn them in as soon as you can. Thank you.

 On Monday, we had Monday work day. Before Monday work day in math we did 2-step inequalities. It was sort of a review because of the test on Tuesday. In science, we got all of our materials for our model project and started building. In social studies, we watched Crash Course History which talked about the Europeans coming to America. For Monday work day, we had 2 hours to do Daily Math, we worked on our model project, our schoolology social studies response, and 20 minutes IDR.

 On Tuesday we had a math test. Mr. Hill shortened the test to 3 problems because it is the holidays. In science we worked on our model project which is due on Friday. In Mr. Brown's class, we had a sub named Mr. Bean.

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