Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Weekly Update 12/6/17 #3

Monday: We solved two step equations. We used the basic algebraic formula y=mx+b. we didn’t do much else, because we always have Monday work day tasks. We completed a Daily Math worksheet, which had four story problems of different level and type. 
Tuesday: Today, Mr. Hill’s projector wasn’t working in our normal classroom. It would, however work in the first classroom down the pod, and because it was an empty classroom, Mr. Hill moved us into that room for the day. We talked a little bit about how we would like to arrange the room, but then we started on a new lesson- one with a bit of review. We were working on inequalities algebraically, which we found was quite like the other problems we had been doing this unit.
Social Studies/Language Arts
Monday (12-04-17)
on Monday in language arts we watched a video and while watching we took notes and wrote a summary. after when class was almost over the class had a discussion about what were the most important notes that we could write in the summary.
Tuesday (12-05-17)
on Tuesday we continued to watch the movie, take notes, write the summary and have the class discussion.

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