Friday, December 15, 2017

the Elements by, Chris

The fire is my fury and my hope, 
Shining brighter than ever before. 
The water is my fighting arts, 
Sparkling more than all the rest. 
The plants are my protection and care, 
Protection for everyone is what they deserve. 
The lightning is my energy and endurance, 
My lightning always strikes. 
The earth is my feelings and dreams, 
Always about to come out my mouth. 
The elements are who I am, 
And all I will ever be. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Current Events Report 12/12/17

In just three days, it's going to be winter break. Also, in science we have a molecular model project due Friday. This has to be a 3D model and you can use any types of materials. It also has to have a key that explains what types of atoms there are in the molecule projects. It has been a fun time building these projects. We are also almost ready to submit are stories to the Write Out of This World.


Update 12/12/17 #2

Language Arts/Social Studies
MONDAY (12-11-17)
On Monday in language arts we watched a Crash Course first Americans video and we took notes on it. After we discussed what the video talked about. We also had to go on to schoolboy to answer a question for S.S. lastly we had Monday workday.

TUESDAY (12-12-17)
On Tuesday in LA we had a substitute teacher, Mr. Bean. With him we read chapters 22-23 in the history of us books then had to fill out a sheet about the Inca and Aztec from what we read.

WEDNESDAY (12-13-17)
On Wednesday, we had job time.

Monday: On Monday, we worked on solving two step inequalities. It was a bit of a review from what we had been working on earlier, because we were having a test on Tuesday. A lot of kids had instrumental music, and so, like normal, we had Monday work day. Our task for math was to complete a daily math packet.

Tuesday: We had a math test on Tuesday, and once you had finished your math test you could work on your molecular model, which is due on Friday and must be clean and neat.
Wednesday: No math today! We are preparing for Thursday, when we are explaining blueprint and meta moment to our second grade buddies for later years in Elementary school. Student council meetings and instrumental music are both today.

Thursday: NO math! Buddy classes in the morning and a party later in the afternoon.
Friday: Today we have no math, but we do have a science gallery walk and science movie. We also have Early dismissal and Winter Break. Happy Holidays!

Weekly Update 12/13/17

We will be going to the Living Computer Museum on Friday 1/19/18. We need volunteers for chaperoning, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.

We need all the parents who haven't, to give a 200 dollar check for the down payment on our field trips. We have about 75% of checks in, but we need the rest. Please turn them in as soon as you can. Thank you.

 On Monday, we had Monday work day. Before Monday work day in math we did 2-step inequalities. It was sort of a review because of the test on Tuesday. In science, we got all of our materials for our model project and started building. In social studies, we watched Crash Course History which talked about the Europeans coming to America. For Monday work day, we had 2 hours to do Daily Math, we worked on our model project, our schoolology social studies response, and 20 minutes IDR.

 On Tuesday we had a math test. Mr. Hill shortened the test to 3 problems because it is the holidays. In science we worked on our model project which is due on Friday. In Mr. Brown's class, we had a sub named Mr. Bean.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Weekly Update 12/6/17 #3

Monday: We solved two step equations. We used the basic algebraic formula y=mx+b. we didn’t do much else, because we always have Monday work day tasks. We completed a Daily Math worksheet, which had four story problems of different level and type. 
Tuesday: Today, Mr. Hill’s projector wasn’t working in our normal classroom. It would, however work in the first classroom down the pod, and because it was an empty classroom, Mr. Hill moved us into that room for the day. We talked a little bit about how we would like to arrange the room, but then we started on a new lesson- one with a bit of review. We were working on inequalities algebraically, which we found was quite like the other problems we had been doing this unit.
Social Studies/Language Arts
Monday (12-04-17)
on Monday in language arts we watched a video and while watching we took notes and wrote a summary. after when class was almost over the class had a discussion about what were the most important notes that we could write in the summary.
Tuesday (12-05-17)
on Tuesday we continued to watch the movie, take notes, write the summary and have the class discussion.

Weekly Update 12/6/17 #2

On Monday, we did Monday work day. We did 4 things. Chapter 6 daily math, molecular model project part 2, 20 minutes of IDR, and flash drafting our short stories that we are writing. The short stories that we are writing have to be under 2,000 words. There is a short story writing contest at MOPOP for Fantasy and Si-fi stories between 200 and 2,000 words. Some of us who are writing Si-fi or Fantasy stories are entering. In Social Studies, we started watching a video about America before Columbus. We were supposed to take notes on anything we thought was important.

On Tuesday in Social Studies, we watched a little bit more of the America before Columbus video. We toke more notes and got to 46:20 minutes in of about 1 hour and 30 minutes. In math we had to move to room 271 because Mr. Hill's projector was not working. While we were in there, we did solving equations with inequality signs instead of equals signs.


Weekly Update 12/6/17 #1

In language arts, we are writing short stories. If we want to enter the Write Out of This World contest, the story we are writing can't be longer than two thousand words, and it has to be either fantasy or science fiction. If you don't want to enter the contest you don't have too. But, you still have to write a short story even though it doesn't have to be either fantasy or science fiction. 

Next weekend is the beginning if winter break. Winter break is for two weeks! Some are going to travel out of town and some are going to stay in town. Many people hope it will snow on Christmas!

Current Events Reporter

Friday, December 1, 2017

Living Computer Museum Field Trip

We will be going to the Living Computer Museum on Friday 1/19/18. If you are interested in chaperoning, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.