Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Camp Sealth

13 September 2016
Dear 5th Grade Families,
It’s time for Camp Sealth!
This year the 5th grade classroom pairs will go to Camp Sealth on Vashon Island for two nights and three days to build community and participate in outdoor, nature-based activities. The primary purpose for going to camp each Fall is to get to know each other, build relationships, and establish a community among classrooms and teachers. Each pair of teachers will attend together as follows:
Meyer/Toney Classes: Oct. 11th, 12th, and 13th
Savage/Underdahl: Oct. 26th, 27th, and 28th
Brown/Hill: Nov. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
Each pair of classes will depart from Cascadia Elementary and travel by school buses to the Fauntleroy ferry terminal in West Seattle, cross the Sound, and continue on the buses directly to Camp Sealth. In past years, families have dropped off and picked up at the ferry terminals; but this year, we will travel by buses from school all the way to camp and back.
Drop Off/Pick Up
Families will drop off students, and their luggage, at Cascadia Elementary in the North Parking lot on their departure date. Families will pick up their child in the North Parking lot on their return date.
Departure Drop Off Time: 8:45 am (Buses will leave promptly at 9:00 am-we cannot wait for late arrivals)
Return Pick Up Time: 2:00 pm
The cost per student for the three days, two nights, bus and ferry travel is $125.00**
The cost for attending parent chaperones is $100.
**Scholarships available. Contact Beth Lee in the Cascadia Office brlee@seattleschools.org for more info.
Checks should be made out to Cascadia Elementary. Please write your child’s name and homeroom teacher in the memo section of your check.
We do need parent chaperones to make this exciting trip take place. If you are interested in becoming a parent chaperone, all volunteer and overnight chaperone paperwork must be complete and on file with SPS and Cascadia Elementary.
In addition to chaperones for the overnight camp, we would also like a few parent volunteers to help students and adults load on to and unload from the buses on drop off and pick up days.
Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to volunteer for either position.
We look forward to this exciting opportunity for all students to join us on this very special trip!
We hope that you can make the Camp Sealth Parent Meeting Night this Thursday, September 15th, at 6:45 pm in the Cascadia Library.
Please direct specific questions to your homeroom teacher.
All the best,
The 5th Grade Team

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