Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekly Update

Dates to Remember
Curriculum night September 29th at 6:00 PM
Camp Sealth November 2nd through the 4th
 Camp Sealth
We have had a few people sign up to be chaperones and turn in the paperwork. Thank you for helping out. We are also starting to take money for Sealth and each child will be $125. Adults will be $100. If you need assistance with this, please contact Beth Lee at  Make checks payable to Cascadia Elementary. We also want to make sure kids are comfortable, so make sure you have warm dry clothing. If you have any extras and think you can pass them down to someone else in the class, feel free to send in any clean wet weather gear.
Mr. Hill’s Class
This week, Mr. Hill’s class spent some extra time getting to know their buddy classroom, Ms. Buchert’s class. We asked and answered questions about Cascadia and got to know a great 2nd grade class.
Mr. Hill has a blog that you can check for additional information and resources for both classes.
Here is a link to the district Student Portal. One of the links is Schoolology and has logins for both students and parents. I use this for my grade book, for assignments and other communications. This link is information on logging in and I will be teaching students how to log in, in the first few weeks. It is good for students to get used to checking grades and looking at assignments as well as being able to communicate with their teachers before they move in to middle school and hopefully this will help prepare them for next year.
Typing Agent
There is also a link to typing agent on the district website. Students all have a login and we encourage each student to spend a regular amount of time practicing as much as possible.
This week students worked on multiplying and dividing integers and took an assessment. I also handed out login information for a website I use call Students are encouraged to login at home and on nights we do not have homework, they can spend some time playing games or doing lessons. Next week, will be doing a quick application project and review our learning at the end of the unit. 
We finished looking at the water cycle and completed two conclusions about both the water cycle and a water cycle game. Both should be posted on schoolology as soon as I can grade them. We finally got our science kits and have begun to dig through them. Next week we will begin our investigation into erosion and getting our hands dirty with stream tables.
We are going to need chaperones and volunteers for events this year. Please get your paperwork in as soon as possible the deadline for this paperwork is October 15th and the district is not flexible about that date. If you would like to be one of the overnight chaperones for camp, that paperwork is a little different and need to be turned in as soon as possible. Forms are available in the office.  Remember to bring ID.  If you have a job or hobby that would be relevant to our in-class studies, then we’d love to have you.

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