Thursday, September 15, 2016

Weekly Update

Mr. Brown’s Class

In Mr. Brown’s class, we focused on our classroom charter, and began our first writing mini-project. The charter work engages students in defining the specific emotions they desire having in their classroom community, and challenges them to prescribe actions that will encourage those emotions. The class agreed on the words positive, safe, satisfied, challenged, and friendly. Additionally, students performed skits about addressing uncomfortable feelings and conflict, and determined a number of strategies to help resolve such episodes.


Mr. Hill’s Class

In Mr. Hill’s class we got right to work on our charter.  The words that we came up with for this year are Safe, Content, Included, Supported, Creative and Respected.  Ask your student how they plan to live the charter?  They come up with many “I Can” statements and I have posted them around the room.
For writing, students researched, drafted, and revised a Story of my Name. Students asked family members to tell them about their name, performed additional research about famous persons that share their namesake, and have woven tales or essays about some aspect of their name. I can’t wait to read their stories!
Looking ahead
In a couple of weeks, we will be reading The Giver by Lois Lowry, and I’m asking that families acquire a copy if at all possible. Please email me, if that is
This week students worked on integer computation. Next week we will start multiplication and division of integers. We will be doing a quick application project and review our learning at the end of the unit. 
We continued our investigation into the water cycle and the terrariums are starting to sprout. We also looked closely at the brain. Reading several articles about the function of several of the parts of the brain and how it effects our learning. Next week we will begin our investigation into erosion and getting our hands dirty with stream tables.
We are going to need chaperones and volunteers for events this year. Please get your paperwork in as soon as possible the deadline for this paperwork is October 15th and the district is not flexible about that date. If you would like to be one of the overnight chaperones for camp, that paperwork is a little different and need to be turned in as soon as possible. Forms are available in the office.  Remember to bring ID.  If you have a job or hobby that would be relevant to our in-class studies, then we’d love to have you.
Room Parents:
Room Parents are vital to helping me coordinate volunteer needs for the classroom and with planning and support of parties and other classroom events. If this is something you're interested in, please look here for more details and to sign up:
Teacher Contact Information

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