Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10/25/17 Update #1

This week in science the students have started the "Modeling Matter" unit. So far, the students have learned about food scientists. So far, the students have no assigned projects.

This week in writing, we ended our poetry unit and have now started working on a fiction writing unit. We are working on writing our short stories, and publishing flash drafts for other students to give feedback. we are continuing IDW, but working on not making stories too long.

This week the students had a test likely ending their unit of rational numbers.

The Halloween Party 10-25-17
Halloween is coming up. So, of course we are having a Halloween party. Please note that you are not allowed to wear masks, or bring any kind of weapon. There will be activities, and food. We will be allowed to wear our Halloween costumes all afternoon. However, you do not HAVE to wear your costume. You can just have fun.

Mr. Brown's class 10-25-17
We have started our reading class. We have received our reading notebooks, and are reading a short story. We have just finished a unit on native Americans. We did presentations on them.

Mr. Brown's class 10/25/17
This week in Mr. Browns class we have begun a new writing unit about short stories and this Friday we are going to the king county elections building for a field trip to learn about the upcoming election. Speaking of elections, next week will be changing our jobs and electing a new president and secretary.

10/25/17 Update #2


     On Thursday we had art, and we worked on our final draft for our abstract project. In math, we worked on multiplying fractions and mixed numbers. In science we did the egg drop challenge where everyone drops their egg and see if it breaks. After that we went to lunch and recess. Then we went to Mr. Brown's class and we continued sharing our social studies posters. We started finishing up our poems for the share.

    On Friday we finished our abstract paintings in art and they all looked very good. We went to math and in math we continued rational numbers such as adding, subtracting, and multiplying mixed numbers. In science we on our egg drop stuff. We had a sheet with a couple questions about the egg drop. Such as, "What forces were acting on your egg when it was falling?" and "Did your egg crack? Why or Why not?" After that we went to lunch and recess. After we got back from lunch and recess we went to Mr. Brown's class and we revised our poems trying to make some changes to make it better. Then we started our final drafts of our poem. In social studies we took our student generated test on our native Americans tribe.


     We started looking at a short story called January tale. This story is very confusing and we worked as a class to help each other understand the story. There are lots of words and phrases that people don't understand. We are using this story to practice using the context to figure out a word's meaning. And we are using it to help our skills of figuring out a word by asking others.
     We had a big class discussion about how our table partners helped us understand words we didn't know. That discussion led to people putting a word out there and someone who knows what it means tells that person and the whole class. Sometimes one person would know a little than another person would know something different and all those little pieces of knowledge helped us form the whole meaning og the word. That led us to start a word wall where if you find a word in a book that is "juicy" as Mr. Brown says, we can write it on a little piece of paper and tape it to the wall.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Field Trip Schedule

Election field trip
October 27

Living Computer Museum
Children’s Museum Theatre
February & March
June 6-8

The total cost for all the field trips comes in at $400 but we are breaking up the cost and only asking for $200 now and $200 in January because camp is later in the year but we need to pay the deposit now.

Please write checks to Cascadia Elementary Self-Help.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Get it early

Here is a link to the field trip form for the King County Elections Office field trip. We will also be handing it out in class on Friday as well.


Chaperones for Oct 27 Elections Field Trip!

We need chaperones for the October 27th field trip.

We are going to the King County Elections Office.

 If you are available please let us know.

10/18/17 Update #1


    In math we did adding positive and negative fractions. In science we planned our egg drop. For P.E. we continued our football session outside on the field. After lunch we went Mr. Brown's room and did our social studies project on Native Americans. In writing we wrote a couple more poems and some people continued doing Inktober.

  There was no school on Friday so everyone was well rested. During art we were playing around with math tools to make abstract art. In math we did subtracting and adding mixed numbers. We switched Mr. Brown's class at 10:00. We thought of animal to write about and then chose one and wrote a poem about that animal. After lunch we had work time were we worked on our egg drop contraption, our social poster, and our alien recipe.

   In art we started our final draft in abstract art. We are still using math tools and we are outlining it in sharpie. In Math we continued subtracting and adding mixed numbers. In science we worked on our egg drop contraption again. In Mr. Brown's class we chose a poem to go through the revision process. We practiced with a couple other poems. We started sharing our social studies poster.

10/18/17 Update #2

Language Arts
This week in Mr. Brown's class we have been writing and editing poetry and doing IDR and IDW. We have read poems, thought of a theme, then changed the poem to fit that theme. Now in IDR we can now read non-fiction and fiction. We have done abstract art in art.

Helpful Links

In science we started a new project. The goal of the project is to be able to build a compartment which will protect the egg from a fall from the second story
balcony. The project will be due on Thursday. The students had the choice to work on projects with a partner or alone.

This week in writing the students will choose one poem that they wrote and revise and edit it. They must have at least two new, revised versions by Friday, and we will have a publishing party at the end of the week.

This week in math the students have started adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions. They will also be finishing up their Alien recipes by Friday 10/20/17.

Social Studies
In Mr. Browns class we have been working on a social studies project. We are studying Native Americans, and we had to read a specific chapter in a nonfiction book about the history of the U.S. Each table group gets one chapter to make a poster presentation, and you have to present your poster in front of the class, we are going to most our presentations today.  

Conference Signups, Here at Last!!!

Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, November 20th and 21st. Mr. Brown and Mr. Hill will be in the school from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on those days and you can schedule specific times. We will also be available during regular school hours the following month either before or after school depending normal teaching duties. We have also left out time for both lunch and dinner breaks at noon and 5 p.m.

We will be meeting together in Mr. Hill's room and switching between the two teachers so that every student has a chance to meet with both teachers. So you only have to sign up for one block of time.

Link to signup

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Weekly Blog 10/11/17


    In P.E we did the pacer, cup stacking, scarf juggling, and ribbon twirling. In math, we worked on rational numbers in our workbook. For science we had more fun with forces and magnets. After lunch and recess we went to Mr. Brown's room we were preparing our writing to show on Friday. Then in Social Studies we were writing level one questions about This Is Us for the quiz on Friday.

    For P.E we did sit and reach and our goal was to get a personal record. In math we played the integers games with the second graders. After recess we went to Mr. Browns class and took our student generated social studies quiz. Then we did a writing gallery walk and everyone walked around and looked at people's writing a drawing.

    In P.E we started our football unit. We changed our Monday schedule because lots of people have instrumental music in the afternoon so all afternoon we had work time and not lessons. We also had a fire drill, but luckily it was just a drill.
   We did P.E outside for the first time and we worked on passing the football. In math we did adding and subtracting positive and negative fractions. We were reading non-fiction articles and practiced taking notes. In Mr. Brown's class we read the outline of the social studies project on Native Americans. In IDW we had the option to do story writing poem writing or Inktober.
This week we are continuing rational numbers and comparing decimals and fractions. We have started another project, beginning to focus on adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers in the form of an Alien Recipe. The project will be due by 10/20/17.

This week in writing the students started poetry. They had homework to discuss with their parent or guardians some of their favorite poems. We also read a small number of poems, such as Smells, Ode to Pablo's Shoes, and Spring is. We also had a gallery walk of all the students writing.

This week in Mr. Brown's class we have been reading non-fiction. We have also in social studies started a report about the different regions of the native Americans. Here is the outline for the project.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Save the Dates

Dates to Remember:

-October 13th: TRI Day, no school

-October 19th: The Great Shake Out (earthquake drill)

-October 19th: Fall Family Festival

-October 20th: Picture Day

-November 20th and 21st: Parent-Teacher Conferences

-November 29th: Picture retake day

-December 1st: 5pm PTA movie night

Helpful Links from the district.

Here are direct links to parent and guardian Source and Schoology resources:

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

10/4/17 Update Part 2

The past few weeks in science, we have been working on magnets and force. The students have been doing several tests with their table partners, trying to make things float and stay up in the air. We have also been working on the levitating train and Maglev (Magnet Levitation). After having seen a video showing a levitating train, the class' task was to find out what made the train levitate. As a class, we have come up with the theory that the force levitating the train is most likely magnetism. We have been drawing diagrams, taking notes, asking questions, and doing tests for how reasonable our answers are, and if the train is truly being levitated by magnets. If so, how?

This week in math we have started a new unit on rational numbers and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing them. We have also been working on converting fractions to decimals and back again. The majority of the work has been review. We are also continuing our work on our integer projects, which will be due later this week. The games should be tested by two students or family members by the time it is due, (Thursday, October 5th), and all parts should be finished and put together.

weekly blog #3


      Last Thursday we had lots of fun. We had PE and played very fun games. After that we had our test on integers. In science we watched a video about space and planets and then went to lunch and recess. In Mr. Brown's class we did IDR and IDW but it was a pretty chill day.We had test and did independent reading and writing.

    Last Friday we  had PE again and did more fun recess games. In Math we were making our switch between integers and rational numbers. In science we started working on force again and focusing on air force and magnetic force. After lunch we went to Mr. Brown's room and did more reading and writing and started reading our social studies book. For reading we worked on looking for text features in the non-fiction book we are reading. In social studies we read about the Indians in their early days. And for writing we worked on our Friday letter.writing.

     On Monday we started our fitness testing with sit-ups. Then went  upstairs to do Math. The clubs started on Monday so some people were excited about that. In math we worked on rational numbers and in science we continued force. Recess and lunch was fun like always, then after we went up to Mr. Brown's and read our social studies book and did reading and writing. Some people had instrumental so the classroom was pretty empty all day. In social studies we kept reading about Indians and how they migrated. For writing we kept doing our writing in our note books but then Mr. Brown introduced Inktober were we make one ink drawing per day, so a lot of people did that during writing.

    In PE on Tuesday we did pushups and we had mixed emotions about that. We did a lot rational numbers in Math. We did not do a lot of science but we did a little about forces. The reason we only did ten minutes of science is because we had library. We looked at articles about Indians and checked out books. In Mr. Brown's class we read our social studies book again and while we read read we compartmentalized out text. In writing we just did IDR and in reading we just did IDW. The reason we did not do much is because we played a very fun game that has a lot of different names. But everybody enjoyed it.

Mr. Brown's class 10/4/17
This week in Mr. Brown's class we have been continuing text features and reading about the first native Americans. We have also been doing Inktober, which is drawing a picture in only ink every day for the month of October. We usually do this during IDW.

In math we have been using positive and negative integers for the four basic operators when multiplying count the negative numbers if odd result is negative even result is positive

integers practice
lesson 2
lesson 3