Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Weekly Update 10/31/18

What a great week!

In math we finished up with rational numbers and students will be taking their assessment tomorrow. We worked on the 4-step process for solving problems and it should be very useful for ensuring mastery on any assessment. Several things were assigned in Pearson but will not be counted towards grade, but just used to review for the assessment. If you want to take a look at them, you can log into Pearson Realize.

I also found a great resource for homework. Bounce Pages is the name of an app you can download on your phone and students can use it to scan work and get video help.

In science we are winding up with the Ferris Island problem. Students have learned what a rain shadow is and will be writing a Scientific Explanation of why East Ferris gets less rain than West Ferris. We also designed systems for distilling freshwater from saltwater. We look forward to seeing how they work.

In language arts, students started brain storming ideas for NaNoWriMo. Ask your student what their next novel will be.

For social studies, students are doing a study of the question; should Washington change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day? Ask your student what they think and why. Also make sure they cite their sources.

Lastly, we had a great holiday party today. Students had a very good time with their 5th grade friends in the other hall. Karaoke, movies, games and crafts. Fun for all and thank you so much to those that volunteered to help out. It made a world of difference.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Weekly Update 10/24/18

Integer Board Games
Integer board games are board games with integers. integers are + and - #s in the board games you multiply divide add and subtract the integers. We made blanket forts and integer board games and every one got there own space. we got ready to play. wen we started we played the bored games until  recess then we ether played on threw recess or went out to recess. then we had  pe. after pe we played board games till the end of the day.
By Ben

This week, oct 21st to October 27th has been full of Inktober spirit on Monday the word was drain, on Tuesday, expensive, Wednesday was chop, prickly and then stretch. When you see chop, you’d think they would just draw knife but no, people got creative, by the end they were drawing a chicken in half and that is what we have been doing this week in the Inktober spirit. 
By Lucas

In National Writing Month we: 
Select three novels that we really like. Then, we choose one of those novels to be our model novel. After we have our model novel we examine the book and find why we like it. Finally we create a book of our own using the knowledge we have from our model novel and create our own book!! 
 By Michael

Subject Updates:

Language arts 
In language arts we are getting ready for write a novel in November. We filled out a character questioner, to start creating characters for our novels and we selected model novels. Our model novels are there to help us with inspiration. And last week, we made book talks. 
By Cory 

In science we are learning about the water cycle. We are all doing a research project about something that interests us, related to the water cycle. Than we filled out a work sheet about creating a hypothesis, and other things like that. When we are done we will present our projects in some way. 
By Cory 

In math we are studying rational numbers. We just finished a big assignment. It was to create a board game, with rational numbers and integers. We have been working on rational numbers for several weeks, but we are currently doing dividing rational number and fractions. There will be a rational number test next Tuesday. 
By Cory 

Social studies 
In social studies we have been studying Christopher Columbus. We have read chapters 15 and 16 from our textbooks. We highlighted things that we thought were useful. Then we had a whole class discussion about what we highlighted. 
By Cory 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Shakespeare Dates

Shakespeare Dates:
Rehearsal Starts February 12th.
Performance for Brown's Homeroom is May 9th
Performance for Hill's Homeroom is May 14th

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Weekly Update 10/17/18

It has been a good week in Mr. Hills class. We got assigned our partners from our buddy class, and we were helping them edit and revise their stories. It is a PE week and in PE we are doing soccer. It has been really fun so far. Those of us who need to are working on their board games that we are going to play on Friday. Some 5th graders are tutoring 1st and 2nd graders during our morning and afternoon recess. In math we just started dividing integers, and before thisa we were doing multiplying integer and rational numbers. In science we are learning about the water cycle. In LA we are doing National Novel Writing Month and in social studies we are thinking about should we celebrate Colombus Day or Indigenous Peoples  Day. In Mr. Browns class we chose our model novels. Mr. Browns class also did inktober with their buddy class.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Update 10/10/18

It has been a good week in Mr. Hills class. We have continued our integer board games and we got to work on them in the I lab.In library we thought about should we celebrate Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples day. In PE we did fitness testing(PACER, curl ups, sit and reach, and push ups) In art we are doing Zentangles.  By Frances

WEEKs 4 and 5 
By: Alden 
Weeks 4 and 5 were fun in science. We all had fun studying the sim in amplify. It helped us finally discover more about West Ferris and East Ferris, (and East Ferris’ problem.) Mr. Hill has said that we have been making progress on the problem. Other than the sim we didn’t do that much in science except finishing our terrariums. (My plant died.) Well, that’s all. (P.S.: I am sorry that you have not been learning about math. 😶)

This week in math we finally started on multiplying integers and rational numbers : ) which we have been waiting to do all year. Since I have gotten complaints about having so this is I will write. By Nathan

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Curriculum Night

There will be two sessions for curriculum night next Tuesday, the 9th. The first one starts at 5:30 and the second at 6:30. For both sessions, Mr. Hill and Mr. Brown will be presenting together, so you can get a chance to hear from both of them.

Weekly Update 10/30/18

In math this week and last, we added and subtracted integers. Then we added to that by adding and subtracting rational numbers using the same rules. We also had time on Monday to work on our integers games and the due date for this was extended to October 19th. To celebrate this we will be building a blanket fort and playing our games.

This week in science we answered the question of why East Ferris is running out of water. Over consumption and population expansion has put a strain on the limited water supply. Then, we turned to trying to figure out where rain comes from and how we can use this information to help the people of East Ferris.

Language Arts
This week we read a book called Sol Painting. In the book the main character Merci and her brother, Roli are different, Merci got a c for her highest grade was a straight A student. Merci’s parents think she needs a better education so Merci’s dad, Popi, Merci and Roli paint some parts of the school for semester of tuition, Roli does not like it because he used to go to the school (Seward pine) and we think he might have some “experience” when painting the gym on a super-hot day a group of girls “accidently” messes up the gym . Merci wants Popi to yell at them but Popi doesn't so merci gets mad at Popi but at the end of the day, when merci and Roli are in the pool Roli explains that Mercis tuition may have been at risk if Popi had yelled at them. That is one of the things we did this week we answered the questions “why does Roli sink into his chair and say you should have told us or why doesn’t Popi say anything and that is one of the things we did this week.   by Lucas

Dates to remember for the year!

-Hearing & vision screening next week – October 9 & 10 for grades 1,2,3 & 5th.
-October 9th Curriculum Night
-Oct. 12th State In-service Day (no school) 
-Oct 19th Fall Festival
-Nov. 12th Veterans Day (no school)  
-Nov. 19 – 21 Elementary conference days (no school for elementary)
-Nov. 22 – 23 Thanksgiving break  
-Dec. 21, 1-hour early dismissal (holiday break)  
-Dec. 24, 2018 – Jan. 4, 2019 Winter break (no school)  
-Jan. 21, 2019 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school) 
-January 29th, Prospective Families Night
-Jan. 30, 2019 Day between semesters (no school) *possible snow make-up day (1 of 3)  
-Feb 11th, Prospective Families Night
-Feb. 18 – 22, 2019 Mid-winter break including Presidents Day (no school)  
-March 20th Inaugural Cultural Night 
-April 8 -12, 2019 Spring break (no school)  
-April 29th: Instrumental Concert-Band
-May 1st: Instrumental Concert-Strings
-May 22nd Art and Talent Show 
-May 27, 2019 Memorial Day (no school) 
-June 3rd Open House 
-June 4th-7th 5th Grade @ Camp Sealth 
-June 17th 5th Grade Promotion 
-June 18th Field Day 
-June 20, 2019 Last day of school (1-hour early dismissal) 
-June 21 and 24, 2019 Possible snow Make-up days