Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Weekly Update 10/31/18

What a great week!

In math we finished up with rational numbers and students will be taking their assessment tomorrow. We worked on the 4-step process for solving problems and it should be very useful for ensuring mastery on any assessment. Several things were assigned in Pearson but will not be counted towards grade, but just used to review for the assessment. If you want to take a look at them, you can log into Pearson Realize.

I also found a great resource for homework. Bounce Pages is the name of an app you can download on your phone and students can use it to scan work and get video help.

In science we are winding up with the Ferris Island problem. Students have learned what a rain shadow is and will be writing a Scientific Explanation of why East Ferris gets less rain than West Ferris. We also designed systems for distilling freshwater from saltwater. We look forward to seeing how they work.

In language arts, students started brain storming ideas for NaNoWriMo. Ask your student what their next novel will be.

For social studies, students are doing a study of the question; should Washington change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day? Ask your student what they think and why. Also make sure they cite their sources.

Lastly, we had a great holiday party today. Students had a very good time with their 5th grade friends in the other hall. Karaoke, movies, games and crafts. Fun for all and thank you so much to those that volunteered to help out. It made a world of difference.


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