Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Update 10/10/18

It has been a good week in Mr. Hills class. We have continued our integer board games and we got to work on them in the I lab.In library we thought about should we celebrate Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples day. In PE we did fitness testing(PACER, curl ups, sit and reach, and push ups) In art we are doing Zentangles.  By Frances

WEEKs 4 and 5 
By: Alden 
Weeks 4 and 5 were fun in science. We all had fun studying the sim in amplify. It helped us finally discover more about West Ferris and East Ferris, (and East Ferris’ problem.) Mr. Hill has said that we have been making progress on the problem. Other than the sim we didn’t do that much in science except finishing our terrariums. (My plant died.) Well, that’s all. (P.S.: I am sorry that you have not been learning about math. 😶)

This week in math we finally started on multiplying integers and rational numbers : ) which we have been waiting to do all year. Since I have gotten complaints about having so this is I will write. By Nathan

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