Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Weekly Update 10/17/18

It has been a good week in Mr. Hills class. We got assigned our partners from our buddy class, and we were helping them edit and revise their stories. It is a PE week and in PE we are doing soccer. It has been really fun so far. Those of us who need to are working on their board games that we are going to play on Friday. Some 5th graders are tutoring 1st and 2nd graders during our morning and afternoon recess. In math we just started dividing integers, and before thisa we were doing multiplying integer and rational numbers. In science we are learning about the water cycle. In LA we are doing National Novel Writing Month and in social studies we are thinking about should we celebrate Colombus Day or Indigenous Peoples  Day. In Mr. Browns class we chose our model novels. Mr. Browns class also did inktober with their buddy class.

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