Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Weekly Update 10/24/18

Integer Board Games
Integer board games are board games with integers. integers are + and - #s in the board games you multiply divide add and subtract the integers. We made blanket forts and integer board games and every one got there own space. we got ready to play. wen we started we played the bored games until  recess then we ether played on threw recess or went out to recess. then we had  pe. after pe we played board games till the end of the day.
By Ben

This week, oct 21st to October 27th has been full of Inktober spirit on Monday the word was drain, on Tuesday, expensive, Wednesday was chop, prickly and then stretch. When you see chop, you’d think they would just draw knife but no, people got creative, by the end they were drawing a chicken in half and that is what we have been doing this week in the Inktober spirit. 
By Lucas

In National Writing Month we: 
Select three novels that we really like. Then, we choose one of those novels to be our model novel. After we have our model novel we examine the book and find why we like it. Finally we create a book of our own using the knowledge we have from our model novel and create our own book!! 
 By Michael

Subject Updates:

Language arts 
In language arts we are getting ready for write a novel in November. We filled out a character questioner, to start creating characters for our novels and we selected model novels. Our model novels are there to help us with inspiration. And last week, we made book talks. 
By Cory 

In science we are learning about the water cycle. We are all doing a research project about something that interests us, related to the water cycle. Than we filled out a work sheet about creating a hypothesis, and other things like that. When we are done we will present our projects in some way. 
By Cory 

In math we are studying rational numbers. We just finished a big assignment. It was to create a board game, with rational numbers and integers. We have been working on rational numbers for several weeks, but we are currently doing dividing rational number and fractions. There will be a rational number test next Tuesday. 
By Cory 

Social studies 
In social studies we have been studying Christopher Columbus. We have read chapters 15 and 16 from our textbooks. We highlighted things that we thought were useful. Then we had a whole class discussion about what we highlighted. 
By Cory 

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