Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Weekly Update 10/30/18

In math this week and last, we added and subtracted integers. Then we added to that by adding and subtracting rational numbers using the same rules. We also had time on Monday to work on our integers games and the due date for this was extended to October 19th. To celebrate this we will be building a blanket fort and playing our games.

This week in science we answered the question of why East Ferris is running out of water. Over consumption and population expansion has put a strain on the limited water supply. Then, we turned to trying to figure out where rain comes from and how we can use this information to help the people of East Ferris.

Language Arts
This week we read a book called Sol Painting. In the book the main character Merci and her brother, Roli are different, Merci got a c for her highest grade was a straight A student. Merci’s parents think she needs a better education so Merci’s dad, Popi, Merci and Roli paint some parts of the school for semester of tuition, Roli does not like it because he used to go to the school (Seward pine) and we think he might have some “experience” when painting the gym on a super-hot day a group of girls “accidently” messes up the gym . Merci wants Popi to yell at them but Popi doesn't so merci gets mad at Popi but at the end of the day, when merci and Roli are in the pool Roli explains that Mercis tuition may have been at risk if Popi had yelled at them. That is one of the things we did this week we answered the questions “why does Roli sink into his chair and say you should have told us or why doesn’t Popi say anything and that is one of the things we did this week.   by Lucas

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